An isotopic study of a late Quaternary loess-paleosol sequence in SW Germany


paleosol, Bryansk Soil, moraine deposits, Würmian glaciation, late Pleistocene, East-European Plain.

How to Cite

Rusakov, A. V., & Korkka, M. A. (2018). An isotopic study of a late Quaternary loess-paleosol sequence in SW Germany. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Geológicas, 21(1), 94–100. Retrieved from

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The morphologic-analytical features of the Bryansk fossil soil classified as Umbric Gley Soil formed in moraine loams and overlain by Upper Pleistocene moraine of the Valday (Würmian) glaciation are described. This paleosol, formed during the Dunaevo Interstadial of the upper Pleistocene and corresponding to the marine isotope stage 3, is confined to the extraglacial zone of the Valday glaciation. The paleosol marks the northernmost area of existence of the Bryansk soil cover in Europe. It is shown that the Bryansk fossil soil can serve as a direct indicator of landscape and soil forming processes in the center of the Russian Plain.


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