Study of quartz sands of the Corralitos region of Chihuahua State, comprises Santa Rosa-Ampliación Santa Rosa, Lolis-Materola, Uribe, San Juan, Cerro Blanco and Rancho Blanco-Maravillas area. The quartz of the sand deposits of Maravillas formation (Miocene-Pliocene) is the erosion product of old tuffs and other volcaniclastic rocks. The Maravillas formation is of fluvial-lacustrine origin and during its accumulation explosive volcanic activity prevrailed. At the end and after the eruptive period the region experienced intense hydrotermal activity that altered part of the Maravillas formation and part of the volcanic rocks.
The quartz grains vary from rounded to well rounded and the sphericity is considerably high. The quartz is high temperature and it probably originated in the rhyolitic tuffs Its corrosion is due to the action of alkaline ground waters coupled with eolian processes... In order to continue, download the full paper in PDF.
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